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[iOS앱 개발] Rxswift + MVVM + Firebase 로그인(Google, Apple 로그인)

by Jimmy_iOS 2023. 7. 13.


Firebase + Google + Apple 로그인 구현


RxSwift + MVVM 기능 학습

SnapKit + Then 기능 학습

SnapKit + Then 조합으로 UI구현

  1. 텍스트와 텍스트크기를 프로퍼티로 따로 관리해 준다.
  2. UI객체는 Then으로 구현해 준다
  3. AutoLayout은 SnapKit으로 구현해 준다.


  • Text와 Size를 구조체에 별도로 생성하고 관리해 준다.
struct DV {
    enum TextSize {
        static let loginTextViewHeight: CGFloat = 48 }
    enum LabelText {
        static let emailInfoLabel = "이메일주소 또는 전화번호"
        static let passwordInfoLabel = "비밀번호"
        static let passwordSecureButton = "표시"
        static let loginButton = "로그인"
        static let joinButton = "회원가입"
        static let passwordResetButton = "비밀번호 재설정"
  • SnapKit과 Then으로 View를 생성해 준다
lazy var emailInfoLabel = UILabel().then { $0.text = DV.LabelText.emailInfoLabel $0.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 18) $0.textColor = .kakaoLightBrown }`

emailInfoLabel.snp.makeConstraints {
    self.emailInfoLabelCenterYConstraint = $0.centerY.equalTo(emailTextFieldView).offset(-3).constraint

RxSwift + MVVM

  1. TextLabel을 선택하면 PlaceHolderLabel이 애니메이션 효과와 함께 작아진다.
  2. email과 password 양식 검사를 통해 PlaceHolderLabel에 표시해 준다.
  3. email과 password가 맞으면 다음 화면으로 넘어간다.
  4. 로그인 여부는 Auth.auth().currentUser?를 통해 확인한다.



  • LoginViewController & LoginViewModel
  1. 화면을 터치하면 편집을 종료한다.
  2. 텍스트필드를 터치를 인식할 수 있게 한다.
  3. 텍스트필드와 ViewModel의 email프로퍼티와 바인딩한다.
  4. ViewModel에서 email양식을 검사한다.
  5. 양식이 맞으면 플레이스홀더의 색상을 변경한다.


private let viewModel = LoginViewModel()
private let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
private lazy var textFields = [loginView.emailTextField, loginView.passwordTextField]

let tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer()

    .subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] _ in
    .disposed(by: disposeBag)

textFields.forEach { textField in
        .subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] in
        .disposed(by: disposeBag)

    .bind(to: viewModel.email)
    .disposed(by: disposeBag)

    .map { $0 ? UIColor.systemGreen : UIColor.kakaoLightBrown}
    .bind(to: loginView.emailInfoLabel.rx.textColor)
    .disposed(by: disposeBag)
  • 텍스트필드를 편집하기 시작하면 플레이스홀더의 위치와 크기를 변경해 준다
// MARK: - 텍스트필드 델리게이트
//텍스트필드 편집 시작할때의 설정 - 문구가 위로올라가면서 크기 작아지고, 오토레이아웃 업데이트
func textFieldDidBeginEditing(_ textField: UITextField) {

    if textField == loginView.emailTextField {
        loginView.emailTextFieldView.backgroundColor = .systemGray6
        loginView.emailInfoLabel.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 11)
        // 오토레이아웃 업데이트
        loginView.emailInfoLabelCenterYConstraint?.update(offset: -13)


  • email의 양식을 검사하고 검사한 값을 emailValid와 바인딩해준다.
let email = BehaviorRelay<String>(value: "")
let emailValid = BehaviorRelay<Bool>(value: false)
private let disposeBag = DisposeBag()

    .map { $0.isValidEmail() }
    .bind(to: emailValid)
    .disposed(by: disposeBag)

UserDefault + PropertyWrapper

  • 소셜로그인을 플러그인 하기 전에 사용했던 로그인 상태 확인 방법으로 사용
  • 프로퍼티래퍼로 UserDefault 구조체를 감싸서 사용하기 쉽게 만들어준다.
    .subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] in
        IsLogin.launchedBefore = true
        self?.dismiss(animated: true)

    .disposed(by: disposeBag)
struct UserDefault<T> {
    private let key: String
    private let defaultValue: T

    init(key: String, defaultValue: T) {
        self.key = key
        self.defaultValue = defaultValue

    var wrappedValue: T {
        get {
            return UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: key) as? T ?? defaultValue
        set {
            UserDefaults.standard.set(newValue, forKey: key)

struct IsLogin {
    @UserDefault(key: keyEnum.isLogin.rawValue, defaultValue: false)
    static var launchedBefore: Bool

enum keyEnum: String {
    case isLogin = "isLogin"

Google Login

  • Firebase를 활용해 구글 계정 연동




  • 로그인 성공 시 LoginViewController를 dismiss 한다.
            .subscribe(onNext:  { [weak self] in
            .disposed(by: disposeBag)

private func handleGoogleLogin() {
        guard let clientID = FirebaseApp.app()?.options.clientID else { return }

        // Create Google Sign In configuration object.
        let config = GIDConfiguration(clientID: clientID)
        GIDSignIn.sharedInstance.configuration = config

        // Start the sign in flow!
        GIDSignIn.sharedInstance.signIn(withPresenting: self) { [unowned self] result, error in
            guard error == nil else {
                // ...

            guard let user = result?.user,
                  let idToken = user.idToken?.tokenString
            else {
                // ...

            let credential = GoogleAuthProvider.credential(withIDToken: idToken, accessToken: user.accessToken.tokenString)

            // ...
            Auth.auth().signIn(with: credential) { _,_ in
                self.dismiss(animated: true)

Apple Login

  • 애플 Certificates를 활용해 로그인
  • Apple Developer에 접속해 Services IDs애 등록해 준다.image
  • Xcode의 Project에서 +Capability를 클릭해 sign in with Apple을 추가해 준다image image
  • 아래 코드를 추가해 주면 완성

import AuthenticationServices
import Crypto

// Unhashed nonce.
fileprivate var currentNonce: String?

@available(iOS 13.0, *)
extension LoginViewController: ASAuthorizationControllerDelegate, ASAuthorizationControllerPresentationContextProviding {

    func presentationAnchor(for controller: ASAuthorizationController) -> ASPresentationAnchor {
        return self.view.window!

    private func sha256(_ input: String) -> String {
      let inputData = Data(input.utf8)
      let hashedData = SHA256.hash(data: inputData)
      let hashString = hashedData.compactMap {
        String(format: "%02x", $0)

      return hashString

    func startSignInWithAppleFlow() {
      let nonce = randomNonceString()
      currentNonce = nonce
      let appleIDProvider = ASAuthorizationAppleIDProvider()
      let request = appleIDProvider.createRequest()
      request.requestedScopes = [.fullName, .email]
      request.nonce = sha256(nonce)

      let authorizationController = ASAuthorizationController(authorizationRequests: [request])
      authorizationController.delegate = self
      authorizationController.presentationContextProvider = self

    private func randomNonceString(length: Int = 32) -> String {
      precondition(length > 0)
      var randomBytes = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: length)
      let errorCode = SecRandomCopyBytes(kSecRandomDefault, randomBytes.count, &randomBytes)
      if errorCode != errSecSuccess {
          "Unable to generate nonce. SecRandomCopyBytes failed with OSStatus \(errorCode)"

      let charset: [Character] =

      let nonce = randomBytes.map { byte in
        // Pick a random character from the set, wrapping around if needed.
        charset[Int(byte) % charset.count]

      return String(nonce)

  func authorizationController(controller: ASAuthorizationController, didCompleteWithAuthorization authorization: ASAuthorization) {
    if let appleIDCredential = authorization.credential as? ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential {
      guard let nonce = currentNonce else {
        fatalError("Invalid state: A login callback was received, but no login request was sent.")
      guard let appleIDToken = appleIDCredential.identityToken else {
        print("Unable to fetch identity token")
      guard let idTokenString = String(data: appleIDToken, encoding: .utf8) else {
        print("Unable to serialize token string from data: \(appleIDToken.debugDescription)")
      // Initialize a Firebase credential, including the user's full name.
      let credential = OAuthProvider.appleCredential(withIDToken: idTokenString,
                                                        rawNonce: nonce,
                                                        fullName: appleIDCredential.fullName)
      // Sign in with Firebase.
      Auth.auth().signIn(with: credential) { (authResult, error) in
        if let error = error {
          // Error. If error.code == .MissingOrInvalidNonce, make sure
          // you're sending the SHA256-hashed nonce as a hex string with
          // your request to Apple.
        // User is signed in to Firebase with Apple.
        // ...

          self.dismiss(animated: true)

  func authorizationController(controller: ASAuthorizationController, didCompleteWithError error: Error) {
    // Handle error.
    print("Sign in with Apple errored: \(error)")


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GitHub - Jimmy-Jung/Login_RxSwift_MVVM_Study: Firebase + Google + Apple 로그인 구현

Firebase + Google + Apple 로그인 구현. Contribute to Jimmy-Jung/Login_RxSwift_MVVM_Study development by creating an account on GitHub.
